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Traverse City Little League offers recreational play during the SPRING season. The league selects All-Stars from the spring recreational program to compete in Little League’s International Tournament during the summer. Spring registration opens January 1st of each year, practices begin in early May, and the season concludes by the last weekend in June. All-Star play runs through the month of June with opportunities to advance to the state tournament and beyond in July and August.

 Practices & Games

When do teams practice?
Tee Ball teams practice once per week for about an hour. Baseball teams typically practice twice per week during the preseason, then once per week during the regular season, for 1.5-2 hours per practice.

How many games do teams play?
Tee Ball and Coach Pitch baseball teams are scheduled to play 8-10 games each season. All other Baseball teams are scheduled to play 12 regular season games followed by an end-of-season championship tournament.

When are games played?
Game start times are finalized each season based on the number of teams in each division and in cooperation with the league's umpire associations. Below is the typical weekly game schedules for Baseball and Softball subject to change with the final schedule being communicated following the formation of teams.

 Game Schedules

Baseball Divisions:

  • Tee Ball:  Mon & Wed (6:00 pm)
  • Coach Pitch: Tue & Thurs (6:00pm)
  • Minors: Mon thru Thurs (6:00pm)
  • Majors:Mon thru Thurs (6:00 pm)
  • *Juniors: Tue/Wed* (6:45 pm) 
* The teenage divisions of play participate in a district conference. Listed game days are typical, however, the final game schedule each season may vary based on district opponents' home field availability.

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